Some may struggle to come up with any suggestions themselves, so it’s important that others are able to help with examples and encourage reflection. Consider how any young person in the group may be affected and how these individuals might be best supported.If you are worried about a young person’s mental health, speak to your organisation's safeguarding lead.
Make sure that there is a space for individuals to speak further about their mental health if they want to. These activities may be the beginning of a larger conversation for a young person and they might find taking part difficult.Only invite comments from those who want to contribute. When giving space for young people to share, allow enough time for everyone to be heard while keeping in mind that not all young people will feel comfortable sharing their ideas.However, there are many factors that affect how a young person engages so consider how these activities are best adapted to the child or group. We have given a general guide to the age group these activities work well for, based on the experiences of teachers and community workers.