If you choose wisely, which can take some education or trial and error, you will get the option of doing the analysis you want, and the program will be extremely fast (at least on our Intel-based early Mac Pro.) Starting out, you choose the type of graphing or analysis you will want, and then create an empty data table which you can fill with data copied from a spreadsheet or imported from various open-source formats (not Excel). Prism’s focus appears to be guiding people through specific types of analyses based on the data they have it is less useful for exploratory work or times when you have a huge database with plans to do all sorts of odd things. While Prism emphasizes biostatistics for laboratory work, it can be used by people in other fields easily enough. GraphPad provides full support for Macs the powerhouse, Prism, is now a Cocoa program for full OS X wonder and future-proofing its default file format is interchangeable with previous versions and the Windows version. GraphPad Prism for Mac: statistics software review